Five elements of carton design

When it comes to cartons, everyone is familiar with them. All walks of life need cartons. So what kind of carton packaging can stand out from the crowd? Today, Lingxian Packaging will introduce some eye-catching elements in carton design. The visual elements in carton design are the overall design of shape, composition, color, pattern, pattern and font.

A successful carton design can usually achieve three effects: far-reaching and eye-catching; fascinating effects; and long-term effects are impressive. At the same time, a successful carton packaging design must have five basic points:

1. Shelf impression: Good design can make the goods on the shelf have a strong appeal to customers.

2. Readability: The text on the packaging should be clear and easy to read, and the product description should be simple and clear.

3. Appearance pattern: Appearance pattern must be beautiful, eye-catching, metaphorical and artistic to succeed.

4. Trademark impression: The trademark should be concise and clear so that you can leave a deep impression at a glance.

5. Description of functional characteristics: The functions, characteristics, opening methods, precautions, etc. of the goods should also be displayed in concise and clear graphics.

The above five points are some of the carton design introduced by Lingxian Packaging. The visual communication elements of carton design are reflected in the application of visual image text, colors and design illustrations, which constitute the visual communication carrier of carton design. The performance of visual communication elements is not equivalent to decoration and beautification, especially personal preference for decoration and beautification.

Author:  Fresh packaging Time:  2020-12-16 11:42:04